Sol Marino They/Them
My dedication for my own healing journey led me to where I am today. It hasn't been an easy ride, but it's been totally worth it.
I just knew that whatever it was that I was feeling and carrying, was not all mine. It took many years to get to the bottom of my story, my issues. I think when we are ready, the right teachers come along.
It was from discovering Family Constellation Therapy that I started to work through the many layers of Inherited Family Trauma that I was carrying.
For many years I felt so frustrated. I spent so much time and money, working with different practitioners. The answers we are often seeking are hidden in the subconscious and unconscious terrain.
I feel honoured to offer this to my clients. To show them what's hidden beneath their health issue, or to help them understand why they can't seem to break free of a particular habit etc.
Freedom lies in the places that we are so often afraid to explore.
If you are ready, I would be honoured to be your guide.